
Press Releases

Bar Associ­ations adopt resolution on rule of law

Bar Associ­ations adopt resolution on rule of law

Brussels/Berlin (DAV). On the initiative of Edith Kindermann, President of the German Bar Association (DAV), over 50 Bar Associ­ations have adopted a joint resolution on the rule of law in the EU. On the occasion of the European Presidents' Conference in Vienna, the Bar Associ­ations emphasize the indispens­ability of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession in the EU. The resolution calls on the European institutions as well as national governments to protect these principles with all available means.

In particular, the EU Commission is called upon to take the necessary measures to prevent further implemen­tation of the Polish judicial reforms. DAV President Kindermann emphasizes: "The legal profession cannot and will not remain silent in the face of the permanent attacks on the rule of law in Europe. It is our duty to stand up, to speak up and to defend the principles on which the European Union is based".

The undersigned organi­zations call for a March of European Robes to take place in Brussels between 24 and 26 June 2020. Together with represen­tatives of all legal professions in Europe, we will send a common, visible and strong signal in defense of the rule of law in the European Union.

Resolution on the Rule of Law (full text)

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