
Reports and Statements

European Lawyers in Lesvos - Christmas Campaign to Strengthen Access to Justice

At the beginning of September, the largest refugee camp Moria on the Greek island of Lesvos burned down. Conditions have been rapidly deteri­o­rating in the new temporary Kara Tepe camp. Accommodated in tents only, thousands of people have to face another long winter on the island. The Covid-19 pandemic has not passed over the camps either. In these circum­stances, the European Lawyers in Lesvos (ELIL) legal aid project (initiated by CCBE and DAV in 2016) is more important than ever - ensuring independent legal advice as part of humani­tarian first aid remains a constant challenge. In a short video, the team gives an insight into their important work. Support ELIL with your Christmas donation and help to defend the rights of camp residents and strengthen access to justice.

Reports and Statements from